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Oh lordy, how do I talk about something like this? Well, it's a new video from Brazzers with that Danny D man and Kristen Scott. They're going at it rough and wild, with some anal play thrown in for good measure. My, my, my. Kristen's wearing stockings, and they really set off those heels she's got on. And in a strange twist, she's wearing some kind of uniform like a teacher or something - bless her heart, I don't know how she's going to keep that white blouse spotless. Danny D is there, too, in his signature glasses. But it's not all polite school talk or medical examinations in this video. No, sirree. They're really getting down to business. Kristen's got a fine ass on her and Danny D's clearly taking advantage of that. I won't go any further, but let's just say it's a hardcore scene, if you know what I mean. If you're interested in porn - bless your heart, I don't know what the world's come to these days! - then you should go give this video a watch. But maybe wait until your grandkids aren't around, ha ha ha.
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